Slowly Slowly Slowly said the Sloth by Eric Carle & Foreword by Jane Goodall

Kalai - Talesofamma
2 min readJul 21, 2020


A magical book that narrates a slow tale of a sloth who’s bombarded with questions from his friends. It’s a part of our daily bed time read where baby picks up and repeats “slowly slowly”

We love all the Eric Carle’s series but this one has my heart. The book has a slow and repeating sentences that a child can easily grasp. The visitor animals that came alongside is placed brilliantly based on the changing scenario. Say for example a bat popping out at the night.

The gentle sloth who slowly slowly crawls, eats, sleeps and watches its surrounding. The sloth is bombarded with questions from the howler monkey and from many of his friends for being so slow. Sloth keeps calm even though they ridicule him stating he’s lazy. He took his time to answer. The answer to that is what we should learn from this gentle sloth.

“And I like to live in peace but I’m not lazy”

The last page of the book is the best place to get started for learning animal names. We usually start of with the last page and move towards first page. Seeing porcupine makes Baby M jumps with joy and say ‘mudi mullu’ (hair with thorns)

Kunthavai is 20 months old. She loves repeating sentences and loves animals so we picked up this book. This animal love started with wild paper planes cards (saving the review of cards later)

The book has message for all of us how and why taking things slowly helps you remain calmer and gives you better clarity.

Takeaway from this book

  • Exposure to various animals
  • Rhyming sentences
  • Amazing art



Kalai - Talesofamma

Mother | Lactation Counselor | Infant Massage Educator | Parenting | Digital Marketer